What we do

People and vehicle count

Know the exact flow of visitors in specific times, periods and acess points


Consumer profile

Better understand your demographic by charting the age and gender of the consumers.


Midia audience

Analyze the midia impact on consumers through precise audience analysis


Smart Display

Analyze the impact of your display on consumers


Line analysis

Understand behaviour and waiting time in check out registers.



Optimze your stores layout by analyzing and mapping consumer trajectories within your store.


Seed Analytics

Seed Analytics is unique. More than just a tool for analyzing charts and numbers, it can manage the performance indicators that depend on the cross reference of data. With SEED it is possible to articulate information from 3 sources in real time:


  • Physical data collection through our sensors in the business.

  • Use of information such as work force, sales and parking which would normally not be used.

  • Big Data. Information available online that can influence shopping behaviour such as traffic and climate conditions within the region.

Public view in real time

Knowing the amount of people within your business in real time can allow you to identify opportunties and critical hot spots faster. You no longer have to wait for the register to close, or the monthly nubmers to come in to realize a result will not be satisfactory. The monitoring of information a more dynamic and precise management of results.

People Count

By counting the number of people in the store it is possible to identify the high and low sales hours within various time periods. With this information it is also possible to factor in how many customers left the store without making a purchase.

  • Number of visitors-hour
  • High and low sales hours
  • Comparing client flow-time-time of the year
  • Performance comparisson
  • Average sales price.. Value of sale-nubmer of sales
  • Sales- visits(conversion rate)
  • ROO – marketing campaign conversion rate

Customer Profile

Visitor profile is na important indication to define retail strategy in diferent areas of management. Marketing, operations, product and brand all benefit from this tool that allows you to verify that the target audience is actually frequenting the strategic hot spots, products and services provided.

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Volume of visits by age and gender
  • Visitor profile
  • Display engagement(visual attraction)

People Flow Analysis

Analyzing the flow of people allows you to know the full potential of the store in terms of function and size of store. Knowing your average visitor volume you can better dimension your store, work force and product display.

  • Ocupation rate X store m2

Hot Zones

  • Hot áreas
  • Hot zone maps
  • Most frequented corridors
  • Store layout analysis

With hot zone analysis it is possible to analyze the clients trajectory within the store, shopping mall or open space. Knowing the most valuable areas within your space allows you to position your products and determine the most effective and attractive layout.

  • Identify more appealing sectors
  • Indentiry less appealing sectors
  • Measure the effectiveness of marketing and merchandising
  • Identify consumer flow patterns
  • Improve store flow
  • A-B store flow tests

Line Analysis

Knowing the average waiting time, size and drop out rate allows you to optimize one of the most important aspects of your business, payment. If the consumer is already in line with the product, losing a sale due to lack of eficiency can be detrimental to your business during peak business hours.
  • Average size of lines – time periods
  • Register opening and closing indictors.
  • Drop out rate
  • Average wait time

Vehicle flow (circulation and parking)

Every establishment that has parking needs to control incoming and outgoing vehicles, quantity and frequency throughout the day and week. Cross referencing this information with the number of clients within the store you can measure:
  • Total number of vehicles
  • Peak business hours; low selling business hours
  • Vehicle flow X Time X week days comparisson
  • Pedestrians X Driving customers
  • Higher influx during rain;sun
  • Percentage of shoppers during heavy traffic

Sales Results

The most important piece of information is the sales results. However the sale depends on a series of factors: The owner must know precisely what happens in his establishment to know its potential and to be able to explore it. By constantly monitoring the results it is possible to compare other sources of data and anaylze your businesses progress.
  • Total Sales
  • Sales comparisson between stores;regions
  • Conversion rate (Number of visitors x sales)
  • Average sale value(number of sales x total value)
  • Conversion rate x days of the week x time of day
  • ROI(return of investment analysis)

Big Data Integration

There are a series of external factors that impact the flow of customers which consequently affect your business. Regional factors are important and it is necessary to anaylze conditions and understand their impact on your business. Climate and traffic information are factors that greatly influence commerce and business within our cities.
  • Performance analysis x weather(sun;rain)
  • Sales Variation x weather
  • Sales Variation x traffic
  • Customer flow variation x weather
  • Customer flow variation x traffic
  • Variations of time spent inside store x weather x traffic

Smart Display

Display audience analysis allows identification of the appeal it has towards people near the establishment. It is possible to know the age and gender of who the display attracts more and also who entered the store due to the displays appeal.

Midia Audience

Know the actual audience for your midia spaces. Know the impact it caused and on how many people and what people were impacted by displays, banners, products, totems ,etc.

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition allows you to recognize customers through image.

Optic Character Recogniton

OCR is a technology which reads letters and algorithms and can be utilized to control signs, containers, boxes among others. With this technology it is possible to monitor and recognize numericals with more speed and eficiency.